Tiger by the Tale - The Merits of PR in Travel and Tourism | A Case Study Bandipur National Park

Last week, we visited Bandipur in Karnataka—a place famous for its stunning forest reserves and wildlife. Amidst the picturesque spot, tumbling along in the safari jeep, we pondered on how crucial public relations (PR) is in the travel and tourism world. The thought came about because we have heard so much of this national park. The PR efforts done effortlessly, (by unknown influencers and the authorities) for Bandipur and its hotels, drew visitors like us in hordes. It’s amazing how a few captivating media updates and blog highlights can turn a destination into such a hot spot!

Instagram reels and blog posts blotted the screens, showcasing the park's beautiful landscapes and incredible wildlife. These posts made Bandipur look like a must-see adventure, with vibrant photos and exciting stories that totally hooked us. The buzz created by these PR activities made us want to pack our bags and experience it firsthand.


Did the hype justify reality? Indeed.


The cost of staying at the hotels was absolutely fine: there was exceptional service and we had an unforgettable experience. We had a blast playing various games and enjoying a cozy campfire at night. The food was absolutely fantastic! We were fortunate to spot spotted deer right outside our room – through the large French window — it was such a magical sight! The scenery in the forest was stunning, with lush greenery all around, and the fresh air felt like invigorating dollops of freshness that refused to let us tire out. The tranquility and peace of the area was soothing and mesmerizing.


The jungle safari’s highlight came about when we saw a couple of tigers, a herd of bison, frolicking rangale of deer, some brown bears, and to top it all, we were also enthralled by the number of captivating and colorful birds. And lest we forget, the cycle rides were such a fun way to explore some of the nooks and corners! (In a safe way, of course!) Every aspect of our stay was amazing and truly made the trip worth every penny.

Distance from Bengaluru: Approximately 200 kilometers


Where to Stay: There are several great lodging options in and around Bandipur National Park, ranging from luxury resorts to eco-friendly lodges. For a comfortable stay, consider places like the Bandipur Safari Lodge or the Windlower. We stayed at Windflower for 3 days during our trip, and can definitely recommend it. The accommodations were fantastic, and the experience was top-notch!


How Many Days: A 2 to 3-day trip is ideal to fully experience the park's wildlife and enjoy activities like safaris and nature walks.


Budget Range: Expect to spend between ₹5,000 to ₹15,000 per night, depending on the type of accommodation and the season. A week back, the cost for an executive room at Windflower was approximately ₹13,000 per night.


If you're traveling from Bangalore to Bandipur, you might also want to check out some interesting stops along the way. Consider visiting the Payana Car Museum, which showcases a fascinating collection of vintage and classic cars. Another notable stop is the Kartik Temple- Shrungagiri Shanmukha Temple- which offers a unique cultural and spiritual experiences. These detours make for great additions to your trip, enriching your journey with more to explore and enjoy.


 PR does some pretty amazing things and it can turn any destination into a must-visit spot.

Let’s take Bandipur for example.


· Building a Great Image

Bandipur’s PR (not anybody spearheading it in particular) showcased its serene environment and conservation efforts, making it look like a perfect getaway, highlighting its rich wildlife and beautiful landscapes.


· Connecting with Audience

Through engaging stories and social media, PR connected with potential visitors and travel influencers, keeping the destination on their radar. PR helps create a positive image of a place. It’s not just about the sights but also about the vibe of the destination, making it an irresistible destination.


· Managing Issues

When things go wrong, like during a natural disaster or a health scare, PR steps in to handle the communication and keep the destination’s reputation intact.


· Highlighting the standouts

The PR for Bandipur really hyped up the wildlife sightings, from tigers to elephants to cheetah to bison. Seeing these animals in their natural habitat was incredible, thanks to the detailed and exciting descriptions.


· Travellers’ Comfort First

PR also highlighted eco-friendly lodges that blend luxury with sustainability. Staying at one of these lodges, surrounded by nature, made my trip even more memorable.


PR isn’t just about publications; it’s about crafting stories and experiences that make people want to pack their bags and explore. Effective PR can turn a hidden gem into a top travel destination. So next time you read about an amazing place or see stunning travel photos, remember that behind those stories is a team of PR pros working hard to make sure you know all about it!



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