Abhishek Vissapragda
Abhishek Vissapragda

With more than 7 years of experience in the PR industry, Abhishek has his expertise in several sectors such as education, healthcare, startups, real estate and finance. He is a former journalist with Afternoon DC and the Free Press Journal and has written several stories around healthcare, civic issues and general trends. He is passionate about exercising, football, mobile games and is a guitarist. Abhishek is also a published author with his first novel 'A Tale of Two' out and well-received.


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Abhishek Vissapragda

Proin euismod, urna vitae auctor venenatis, mi metus consectetur est, non rutrum sapien eros non mauris. Praesent ex felis, bibendum vel a, aliquet iaculis nunc. Pellentesque neque dolor, pretium ac ligula in.
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